Weekly Reading

While You Were Sleeping


And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and He said to Peter, What! Are you so utterly unable to stay awake and keep watch with Me for one hour? (Matthew 26:40)

In a movie with the same title, one of the characters fell and hit his head and was hospitalized for a while in a coma. While he was in the coma many events took place, including another character identifying to his family as his fiancée. There was an occasion when Jesus took three of His disciples with Him to pray in the garden of Gethsemane just before His death, “He took with him Kefa and Zavdai’s two sons. Grief and anguish came over him, 38 and he said to them, “My heart is so filled with sadness that I could die! Remain here and stay awake with me” (Matthew 26:37-38 CJB).
Now you would think this would be such an honor to be invited to pray with the Lord since during most of His time on earth He went off by Himself to pray alone, Mark1:35, Mark 6:46, Luke 5:16, just to list a few of those times. When Jesus came back to them after His first prayer He found them sleeping. Even though all three had fallen asleep, Jesus addressed the question to Peter. How many of you do the Lord consider as prayer warriors, and single you out like He did Peter? When there are pressing situations about to take place or one of His children seem to be in agony and need intercessory prayer right away, can He depend on you at o-dark-thirty? Is He shaking you, rocking the bed, and the Holy Spirit is whispering your name in the ear, but you still don’t move? I heard you Lord but you know I’m working a twelve- hour shift and need my sleep. The bible lets us know Jesus went off to pray early in the morning. It’s something about early morning, it prepares you for the day, you seemed to be in tuned to the voice of the Lord without first having to get rid of all the cares of the world. Later in the day you must remove any possible issues, stress from work, or after chasing toddlers, and doing chores for the day.
When you feel the tug of the Lord waking you up to pray be obedient, get up. Don’t rollover and tell Him to give you one more hour of sleep, “All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”( Matthew 26:41). He’s speaking to you preparing you for what’s to come or it could be to intercede for preventing an attack of the enemy. Let’s have a willing spirit when the Lord nudges us to get up and pray in the middle of the night, a lot could happen while you were sleeping.

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About KathyGrant

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