Weekly Reading

Will the Real Jesus Please Stand?


Therefore Y’shua was saying to the Jewish people who believed in Him, “If you would remain in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and truth will make you free.”   (John 8:31 One New Man)


In 1956 a game show was created by Bob Stewart called “To Tell the Truth.”  According to Wikipedia the show features a panel of four celebrities whose object is the correct identification of a described contestant who has an unusual occupation or has undergone an unusual experience.  This “central character” is accompanied by two impostors who pretend to be the central character; together, the three persons are said to belong to a “team of challengers.” The celebrity panelists question the three contestants; the impostors are allowed to lie, but the central character is sworn “to tell the truth.” After questioning, the panel attempts to identify which of the three challengers is telling the truth and is thus the central character.

We can almost say that Jesus, before Bob Stewart, started this game show a long time ago.   In Luke 9:18-20 while He was praying alone with His disciples, He challenged them with the question of who people were saying that He was.  They all started answering Him and saying John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the old prophets that had risen again.  Out of all the contestants presented, Peter chose the right one.  He said you are”The Christ of God”.   As panelists, can we still play the game and take on the challenge of choosing the real Jesus?

What if the questions presented to the contestants were:

  • What is your solution on forgiveness?
  • Do I have to love everybody?
  • How can I make it to heaven?
  • Are You the Son of God? 

Would you able to select the real Jesus?  Would you know by the answers which contestant was Jesus?  In the real game after the correct contestant has been revealed, the imposters have to state their true identity.  Would you recognize the contestant that was the false teacher or which one could be identified as one in the occupation of a deceiver?  Would their answers be more appealing to you than the truth given by the real Jesus?  We want to be like Peter and tell the truth by selecting and saying to the right contestant,You are “The Christ of God!”


Forgiveness:  Mark 11:25 

“And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Love:  Romans 13:8 

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Make it to Heaven:  Romans 2:8

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God.”

Son Of God:  Luke 22:70

“Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God? And he said unto them, Ye say that I am.”


About KathyGrant

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