Weekly Reading

Awareness Month


“You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me, and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it.” (Matthew 5:16 Voice)

We are living in a time now where people no longer look at a calendar as a reminder of the date, for time and date of an appointment, the upcoming holiday i.e., spring break, or the date of the next season change. The growing sense of entitlement, fleshly greed, and inclusion seems to fill each month of overwhelming celebrations. Months and dates of pet dog day, pick a flower day, eat pancakes day, next day wash pancakes down with milk day, kiss children day, the next day kiss your Mamma Day, and don’t forget the glutton of eat pizza day and donut. Each month it goes on and on to the point so as no one’s deepest desires will be left out.
As Christians are we making an awareness every day of the month to the world as witnesses of the Kingdom of God? Do they look at the calendar and say this is the “Day of the Lord” because I encounter Him everywhere I go with miracles and His word. Do they get to see the manifestation of His Glory on earth through the Precious Holy Spirit? “But if you see me doing the beautiful works of God upon the earth, then you should at least believe the evidence of the miracles, even if you don’t believe my words! Then you would come to experience me and be convinced that I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 10:38 Voice).
Let’s wear our illumination and colors of God’s Glory so that the world will know every single day of the month is awareness for the praising, rejoicing, celebration of Jesus, and for the Kingdom of God.

About KathyGrant

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